General information
ZoneApprovals is a managed bundle and this means that upgrades to live environments are managed from the Zone&Co side. Sandboxes aren’t managed environments and can only be upgraded by taking a manual step that performs the update. ZoneApprovals could trigger in certain situations an error and due to this, the bundle will fail to upgrade correctly. The error message that will be visible in the “Installed Bundles” list could describe clearly why it failed but could also state a less clear error notification. In this document, we describe the known root causes and how to solve them correctly.
Unexpected error
The unexpected error message will not provide clear details on why the bundle failed to upgrade or install. In the majority of the situations, the unexpected error is related to the NetSuite environment setup. When an unexpected error occurs the following settings must be checked and when these are checked and resolved a new upgrade or installation can be performed.
Custom transactions
When the feature “Custom Transactions” is not enabled the bundle can not be installed or upgraded and will trigger (due to this missing feature) an unexpected error. To resolve this error the feature must be enabled. On the page NetSuite Dependencies, a step-by-step guide is provided on how to enable this feature.