This page explains the dependencies ZoneApprovals needs to operate properly
ZoneApprovals is built on top of NetSuite and requires for specific operations that certain features are enabled or that specific options are enabled. This page explains all dependencies ZoneApprovals requires. When the mentioned features or configurations aren’t set properly it could lead to potential unexpected behavior in the SuiteApp.
Enable Transactions
ZoneApprovals can run on multiple different transaction types and currently, it is needed that all transaction types are enabled the the NetSuite environment. When not all supported transactions are enabled the SuiteApp will not be able to install. The transaction types can be found be navigating to SETUP->COMPANY->ENABLE FEATURES. In the subtab "Transactions" enable the following options:
- Sales Orders
- Purchase Orders
- Requisitions (Available upon Advanced Procurement enablement)
Enable features
This section highlights the features that should be enabled. The features can be found in NetSuite by navigating to SETUP->COMPANY->ENABLE FEATURES.
Custom Records
ZoneApprovals uses on the background custom records. Custom records are records inside NetSuite that will allow for example a SuiteApp to store additional data. To enable the custom record types to SETUP->COMPANY->ENABLE FEATURES and open the subtab labeled “SuiteCloud”. Enable in this section the option labeled “Custom Records”. When enabling NetSuite will ask you to confirm the SuiteCloud Terms of Services
Server SuiteScript
ZoneApprovals uses custom logic that is written in scripts. These scripts need to run to execute the logic and for this the feature Server Scripts should be enabled. Without NetSuite will not allow the environment to run custom scripts and logic. When this feature is enabled NetSuite will automatically also enable Client SuiteScript. This are scripts that will run on the client side instead of the server side. To enable the custom record types to SETUP->COMPANY->ENABLE FEATURES and open the subtab labeled “SuiteScript”. Enable in this section the option labeled “Server SuiteScript. When enabling NetSuite will ask you to confirm the SuiteCloud Terms of Services.
ZoneApprovals uses workflows to execute a part of the approval logic. By default workflows aren’t enabled in a NetSuite Environment. To enable the custom record types to SETUP->COMPANY->ENABLE FEATURES and open the subtab labeled “SuiteFlow”. Enable in this section the option labeled “SuiteFlow”. When enabling NetSuite will ask you to confirm the SuiteCloud Terms of Services.
Custom Transactions
ZoneApprovals allow the user to create automatic accruals postings if configured. These postings represent a temporary booking of the transaction that is pending approval. For these temporary postings, ZoneApprovals uses a transaction type that is a custom journal posting. The custom transaction type is used so that the accrual postings are individual journal types with their own numbering. This brings better insights when building reports. To enable the custom transaction types navigate to SETUP->COMPANY->ENABLE FEATURES and open the subtab labeled “SuiteCloud”. Enable in this section the option labeled “Custom Transactions”. When enabling NetSuite will ask you to confirm the SuiteCloud Terms of Services.
Employee Approval Routing
To allow the application to install the Approval Routing on the employee level should also be enabled. To do this navigate in the main menu to SETUP->COMPANY->ENABLE FEATURES and open the subtab labeled "Employees" subtab "Time & Expenses". Enable in this section the option labeled "Approval Routing" and press save.