General release information
Release 1.12.2 was released on the 10th of December 2024 and contains various enhancements and a couple of bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the enhancements and bug fixes. We will update your Production account automatically and the Sandbox account can be updated from your (the customer's) end at any given time.
FFA-1590 Vendor Center Approvals
Bulk Approvals Page and Bulk Approvals Portlet are now available for Vendor Center roles. Vendor records have been linked to Employee records, therefore the ZoneApprovals flow will respect actions taken by users following the logic as defined on the Employee record.
With utilizing Vendor Center Approvals user can:
- Execute Approval routing in bulk utilizing native NetSuite UI
- Reach header and line level transaction data within the walls of the Bulk Approvals Page and Portlet only
- ZoneCapture Vendor Bill PDFs (if subscribed) are available per transaction
- PO number is an available information next to PO-related Vendor bills
- Expense report attachments present a limitation for this type of users, as the same are driven by native NetSuite permission of Documents & Files
By default, this logic if fully enabled. To disable it, follow the instructions of this link Disable the Bulk Approvals availability to Vendor Center roles.
Bug fixes
FFA-1488 Bulk Approvals page shows rounded down amounts instead of full amounts with decimals
The Bulk Approvals page and Portlet has been enhanced to display amounts with decimals precision, while in previous version releases, the transaction amounts have been rounded down. This improvement ensures users can view and approve transactions with more precise financial details.
FFA-1501 Zone Bulk Approval Portlet and Page - Subsidiary Filter shows no values for selection
The Bulk Approvals page was unable to filter transactions per Subsidiary. This limitation has been removed and now users can filter results accordingly.
FFA-1580 Upon approval delegates are overriding original approvers
A recent issue where delegates were overriding original approvers upon approval has been resolved. With this fix, the approval process now maintains the original approver’s role, ensuring that delegates no longer replace the primary approver's decision. This update restores the intended approval audit trail.
FFA-1593 Accruals: Logic to reverse accrual with the highest ID not reliable
A small change has been added to further stabilize the Accruals feature. Previously, the system was relaying on the latest accruals ID created by the system in order to generate a reversal. Yet, occasions were present in which this logic was overruled by a parallel generation of subsequent transactions. This version stabilizes corner cases identified with Accruals.
FFA-1610 Line level segmentation not respecting Tax amount
The approval process was ignoring the Tax amount of transactions if line level segmentation was used on matrix setup. This bug caused discrepancies between the calculated tax at the line level and the tax applied to the overall transaction. Fully resolved now in this version release.
FFA-1615 ZoneApproval Threshold > Active Approval Logs are not being set as Historical
In the previous version release reported was an issue regarding duplicated transaction approval logs. This occurred when a user with standard permissions edited and saved a transaction in "Pending Approval" status, resulting in the creation of new approval logs while the previous logs were not properly set as historical.
The problem was identified when changes to the transaction were outside the defined approval threshold, causing the active approval logs to remain unchanged (not set to historical), despite the creation of new approval logs.
The root cause was identified in the threshold WA script, which incorrectly loaded records in standard mode instead of dynamic. This logic was correct in the "reject approval logs" workflow, but not for the approval process, causing the issue. The logic is now updated to ensure that records are loaded in dynamic mode during transaction approval processing. This ensures that when changes occur outside the threshold, the previous approval logs are correctly set as historical, and no duplication of logs takes place.
FFA-1621 Submit for approval triggers an error
When submitting a transaction for approval, a user encountered an error that was blocking the approval process as approval logs were not created at all. This event was present when a user had a ZoneApprovals configuration of 'Reject transactions' when no matrix is applicable. This error was limited to SuiteTax accounts and in this version release is fully removed.