On this page, we explain the Zone Approval License
- General Information
- Accessing the license
General Information
The “Zone Approvals License” is a license page that is built in ZoneApprovals that shows to the user the current status of the license and modules that are included. The license is synchronized automatically each day around midnight but can also be synchronized on request. When the license is not present or not active ZoneApprovals will disable itself in full and automatically approve all transactions with a recorded audit trail. If there are any questions regarding the current license status or active modules then it is recommended to contact the sales department of Zone.
New installation
When you install ZoneApprovals you must always perform the ad-hoc retrieval of the Zone Approval License to activate the SuiteApp.
Accessing the License
To review the current license please navigate in the main menu to SETUP->ZONE APPROVALS->ZONE APPROVAL LICENSE. The page that opens shows the current license and the status.
To retrieve ad-hoc the license press on the blue button labeled “Retrieve License”. When pressed a loading page will appear with a progress indicator. Please wait until the retrieval is completed. After a successfully retrieval the page will display the current active license and a green bar that identifies the retrieval did complete successfully.