General Release Information
Release 1.5.3 has been released on the 14th of February 2023 and contains two bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the bug fixes. We will update your Production account automatically and the Sandbox account can be updated from your (the customer's) end at any given time.
Bug Fix
FFA-616 Additional comma in the approval strings breaks the HTML email template
ZoneApprovals provides the option to use a custom HTML email template. When the user created a string of several approval keywords and put at the end of the string a comma without an additional keyword the HTML template was impacted. Due to this impact, the HTML template was sent out as a plain text email. In this version, additional protection has been built that prevents this behavior so that the system is able to send out the email template as expected.
FFA-654 Approval by email: “An error occurred while processing your message”
When a user tried to approve or reject a pending approval transaction by email it could happen that the user received an error notification back from NetSuite stating “An error occurred while processing your message”. The end result was a transaction that did not get approved or rejected. This version brings additional logic that can better evaluate the local NetSuite settings and store the reply accordingly so that the error isn’t present anymore. The end result will be that the transaction will be approved or rejected as expected and no error notification will be sent out to the approver.