General release information
Release 1.12.0 was released on the 26th of July 2024 and contains various enhancements and a couple of bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the enhancements and bug fixes. We will update your Production account automatically and the Sandbox account can be updated from your (the customer's) end at any given time.
FFA-1376 Option to select 'Is Not' within the ZoneApprovals Matrix
Previous versions allowed a selection of parameters within the ZoneApprovals Matrix that need to be set onto transactions, so that approval routing is triggered. The Matrix criteria has been enhanced to include a parameter that can reverse the logic too. This approach enhances users experience when configuring criteria.
Below is an example of the ZoneApprovals Matrix with the parameter 'Is Not' (≠) used. This parameter allows approval routing enablement on all value selected within transactions, but not the one used on the Matrix. Selecting the sign ≠ is sufficient to enable the functionality. No additional configuration is required.
Within the first line, the system will trigger approval routing for all Vendor Bills and all AICJEs which are created with Location 'Amsterdam' and do not hold a value of 'Sales' as Department and 'Amazon' as Revenue source. Side note: the matrix of this example is displayed in 'Draft mode'. To execute approval routing, the Matrix must be 'Active'.
The 'Is Not' functionality is indicated in red for easy identification.
FFA-1394 Create Accruals for standalone Vendor bills only
Within the Accruals feature, a new configuration option has been introduced to allow the system to create accrual postings exclusively for standalone vendor bills. Previously, ZoneApprovals did not offer a way to make this distinction, but now end users have the flexibility to manage this aspect of their approvals more precisely.
Enable the checkbox 'Create accruals for standalone Vendor Bills' to accrue Vendor bills created with no Purchase Order origin.
FFA-1490 Extending custom fields with 'Any' and 'Empty' select options
In previous releases, custom fields added as approval parameters to the ZoneApprovals matrix did not support 'Any' and 'Empty' as value options. This limitation has been addressed in the latest update, and the matrix custom fields now include support of these values.
FFA-1487 Support Form Link - pass parameters to pre-fill the form
The Support form has been upgraded to automatically accept parameters of the NetSuite account the case is originating from. In previous versions, users had to manually enter their NetSuite account information, email address, company name, and select the product type for the case being raised for. Starting with this release, all these parameters will be pre-populated automatically.
FFA-1442 Update field help on certain fields on the ZoneApprovals configuration
Field help has been improved on the following fields of the ZoneApprovals Configuration:
The product's content is vigilantly monitored and improved so that is provides users as much as help as possible.
FFA-1494 Special Order / Drop Ship Purchase Order not undergoing Approval
Previously, the FFA Approval Framework did not support Purchase Orders automatically created from Sales Orders with Special Order or Drop Ship items, resulting in these transactions being auto-approved.
With this release, support for these transactions has been fully integrated. Users can now apply their existing approval routing logic to these Purchase Orders, ensuring that transactions follow the established matrix rules.
Bug fixes
FFA-1437 Purchase Orders blocked in status 'Pending Approval'
In scenarios where the following conditions were met:
- An Approval Matrix for Purchase Orders was active
- Purchase Orders were created via Requisitions
- No applicable matrix line was found for the Purchase Orders
The expected behavior was for these Purchase Orders to automatically reach the final approved state. However, instead of being auto-approved, the Purchase Orders remained in the 'Pending Approval' status and could not exit the 'Pending Submission' state after submission.
The system has been updated to ensure that, under the specified conditions, Purchase Orders now transition to the final approved state as expected.
FFA-1469 TypeError: Cannot read property 'subsidiary' of undefined in FFA Rejectoid Pop-up UE in NON-OW Account
Non one-world users were experiencing an error present within one the ZoneApprovals scripts displaying that the 'subsidiary' as a property can not be 'read'. In this version release the notice has been attended and removed, without impacting the overall approval flow.