When ZoneApprovals is used on a specific transaction type it normally shows to the user several buttons depending on the transaction status. The process begins with a “Submit for Approval” button that transitions into “Approve” and “Reject” button. When the configuration isn’t created correctly it could result in the situation that these buttons won’t appear and that the transaction remains in the status “Pending Approval” or is approved directly after saving. On this page, the potential root causes are explained. It is recommended to follow this document step by step to identify the root cause.
Script deployments
To be able to use ZoneApprovals on a specific transaction record type the user must deploy the needed scripts to this record. When this step isn’t performed then the SuiteApp will not provide the expected buttons. It’s recommended to double-check that the needed scripts are deployed to the transaction type on which the buttons for the approval process are expected. To do this navigate to SETUP->ZONE APPROVALS->DEPLOYING and check if the transaction type is visible in the loaded overview. If not the transaction type should be added. More information about deploying the script logic can be found on the page Transaction & Record Types.
NetSuite approval routing
For standard transaction types, the ZoneApprovals uses in the background the native NetSuite approval routing. To be able to use ZoneApprovals it is mandatory to enable the approval routing on the transaction types where you would like to use the ZoneApprovals logic. It’s recommended to double-check if this routing is enabled. To do so navigate to SETUP->ACCOUNTING->ACCOUNTING PREFERENCES. Open the subtab labeled “Approval Routing” and confirm that the approval routing is enabled for the expected transaction type. If this is not the case, enable the checkbox and store the applied changes. More information about the NetSuite approval routing can be found on the page Transaction & Record Types.
Approval workflow
The approval workflow provides the needed logic that is executed after saving a transaction. By default, this workflow is not deployed to all transaction types. It’s recommended to double-check if the approval workflow is indeed deployed to the expected transaction type. To check this navigate to CUSTOMIZATION->WORKFLOW->WORKFLOWS. Set the filter bundle to the value “428308” and open the workflow named “FFA Approval Framework”. On the right-hand side of the screen, NetSuite displays to which record types the workflow is deployed. If the expected transaction type is not listed in this section then the workflow should be altered so it's deployed to the expected transaction type. More information about the workflow can be found on the page Transaction & Record Types.
Supported record types
ZoneApprovals doesn’t support all transaction and record types at this moment. The supported transaction and record types are listed below. If the expected transaction or record type is not listed in this list, it means the ZoneApprovals logic cannot be used. Please contact our support department to highlight your requirements.
- Expense Reports
- Purchase Orders
- Vendor Bills
- Vendor Payments
- Time Bills
- Invoices
- Journal Entries