The approval hierarchy allows the user to set the thresholds for when an approval is needed. For example, the user could state if the amount of the transaction is lower or higher than a certain value approval is needed. ZoneApprovals allows you to create as many configurations as needed and each final approval matrix can be using a different approval hierarchy.
Creating an Approval Hierarchy Definition
To create an approval hierarchy navigate in the main menu from NetSuite to SETUP->ZONE APPROVALS->APPROVAL HIERARCHY DEFINITION->NEW. On this page first, enter a name for your approval hierarchy. The recommendation is here to use a name that describes what kind of levels are used. The provided name will later be a select option in a dropdown on the approval matrix as shown in the screenshot below. This setting is further explained in the section Approval Matrix. To provide some insights into what is configured in this section a high-level explanation is shown below of how the data is used, actual configuration of the two screenshots below will be done in the next step of the configuration.
After entering a name for the approval hierarchy definition open the subtab labeled “Hierarchy Definition”. In this subtab, the needed thresholds can be set. The thresholds will later become visible on the approval matrix. Below a screenshot is visible where the hierarchy definitions are highlighted.
At this point, the actual configuration of the Approval Hierarchy Definition begins. To enter a dimension simply click on the line in the column and enter the required information. Enter as many lines as needed and when done save the Approval Hierarchy Definition. Below an explanation is given for each field function:
- Approval hierarchy dimension name: Enter in this field the value that should be shown in the matrix table header. This is clarified with the arrow in the print screen that is shown above.
- Up to/greater than: In this field, the user can choose if the line of for amounts less than or greater than.
- Name: Not required to enter, only used for internal display when using a default saved search.
- Amount limit: enter here the amount that is related with the up to/greater than selection
In the current version there isn’t yet a validation present that actually checks if the entered hierarchy lines are logically following up the thresholds. When a incorrect ordering is entered it could result into unexpected approval behavior.
Example Approval Hierarchy Definition
Below you will find an example of a fully configured approval hierarchy definition where 4 thresholds are set. The same approval hierarchy is also shown in the matrix header example listed above.
If a new ZoneApprovals installation is taking place, then a couple of Hierarchy definitions (per transaction type) will already be pre installed inside your account. They serve as guidance and can help you test the SuiteApp. Please feel free to further modify them.
Here below is an example of a Hierarchy definition, created only for the purpose of Vendor Bill Approval.